Torkovo jutro, 23.3.2004 ni bilo nič kaj pomladno. V Mariboru je deževalo, v nekaterih delih Slovenije celo snežilo. Na Osnovni šoli Toneta Čufarja pa smo se počutili pomladno. Odločili smo se, da bomo med tistimi evropskimi šolami, ki bodo sodelovale v Pomladnem dnevu EU.

Ob 10h je šolski zvonec pozvonil trikrat, nato pa je sledila ena minuta molka za mir. Kmalu za tem se nam je pridružil dr. Dušan Plut, okolje varstvenik in redni profesor na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Njega in Jerneja Vernika, prodekana-študenta na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani, smo povabili na okroglo mizo. Udeležili so se je učenci 4. in 7. razredov devetletke in učenci od 4. do 8. razreda osemletke(230 otrok) s svojimi učitelji.

Koordinatorji smo bili Tanja Tomšič, ravnateljica šole, ter Danijel Šic in Mateja Postružnik, učitelja na šoli.

Jernej Vernik in Tanja Tomšič sva vodila pogovor z dr. Dušanom Plutom. Pogovarjali smo se o:

skrbi za naše okolje,

Evropski uniji,

gospodarjenju z odpadki in

o ravnanju z naravnimi viri.

Posebej smo izpostavili ukrepe Evropske unije in to, kako lahko svoj prispevek dodajo osnovnošolci. Pogovor je bil tematsko naravnan še na eko šole, saj je naša šola podpisnica eko listine, letos pa se trudimo pridobiti si še eko zastavo. Otroke smo napeljali na to, da nismo sami na tem planetu in da smo vsi dolžni ohraniti naravo za prihodnje rodove.

Več informacij na:  www.o-tcufarja.mb.edus.si



Tanja Tomšič, ravnateljica









Tuesday morning, the 23rd of March 2004, didn't feel like a spring morning at all. It was raining in Maribor and was even snow in some parts of Slovenia. But there was a strong feeling of spring among the people in the Primary school Tone Čufar in Maribor. We decided to be one of those European schools, which participate in the EU Spring day.

At 10 AM the school bell ring three times, which was followed by one minute of silence. Soon afterwards dr. Dusan Plut, environmental protector and professor at the Philosophical faculty in Ljubljana, joined us at the school. We invited him and Jernej Vernik, deputy dean student at the Philosophical faculty in Ljubljana, to join us at the round-table discussion. The pupils of fourth and seventh classes of the nine-year school and the pupils from fourth to eight class of the eight-year school (230 pupils) observed this conversation with their teachers.

The coordinators of the Spring day 2004 were the headmistress Tanja Tomsic, Danijel Sic and Mateja Postruznik, the teachers at our school.

Jernej Vernik and Tanja Tomsic coordinated the conversation together with dr. Dusan Plut.

We talked about:

The care for our environment,

European Union,

Managing of waste and

Managing of natural sources.

We tried to point out the steps of EU and how to make a contribution if you are a pupil in a primary school. The conversation based on the eco school topic. Our school already signed the eco certificate and this year we are trying to win the eco flag. The children were directed to think in the way that they are not alone on this planet and that they have a duty to preserve the nature for the following generations.

More information at:  www.o-tcufarja.mb.edus.si



Tanja Tomsic, the headmistress



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